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North Middlesex Regional High School Seniors Participate in Inaugural Credit for Life Financial Literacy Fair

Superintendent Brad Morgan and North Middlesex Regional High School (NMRHS) Principal Tim McMahon are pleased to share that the senior class participated in the school’s first Credit for Life Fair.

On April 10, senior students gathered in the High School gymnasium to take part in an interactive financial literacy fair. The fair coincided with National Financial Literacy Month, which occurs in April. 

The fair was funded through a $5,350 state grant the school received through an FC:104 Financial Literacy Planning and Implementation Grant. The grant program funds schools in the selection and development of materials, curriculum, professional development, and in-person or virtual learning related to financial literacy. STEM Director Kevin Cormier wrote the grant and coordinated the project.

Senior students Jackson Bailey, Jack Amari, and Josh Gallagher proposed NMRHS host a fair after they attended a similar event at another high school. They presented their idea to the School Committee in December.

The students collaborated with faculty, district administrators, and Superintendent Morgan to secure grant funding and organize the fair. Organizing the fair was a continuation of their Civics Action Project, in which their research revealed there was a lack of financial literacy amongst students across Massachusetts. 

At the fair, students were first assigned a monthly income. Then they visited stations hosted by local banks and businesses and made financial decisions based on their income regarding topics such as insurance, transportation, savings and retirement, career counseling, luxuries, cell phone plans and education. 

Participating in the fair allowed students to be exposed to financial decisions they may face in the future. Students were able to engage in meaningful conversation with peers and volunteers about financial topics as they prepare for an independent lifestyle post-graduation. 

Due to the success of the fair, Superintendent Morgan and administrators intend to make the fair an annual event at NMRHS with grant funding. There is also a plan to create and support a comprehensive financial literacy course. The idea of the course has already generated interest among the student body, with several students enrolled to take the class in the Fall 2024 semester. 

“We are so glad to be able to provide our students with an immersive education in financial literacy. It is a topic that is extremely relevant and important for these students,” said Superintendent Morgan. “We are so grateful to Jackson, Jack, and Josh, and for our funding, for making this possible. Their effort will have a lasting impact on the financial education we provide to our students.”